Friday, September 02, 2022

Ten lessons from think like a monk.

 10 Top Lessons From The Book Think Like A Monk that Will Transform Your Life.

1. Your mind can either elevate you or pull you down.

Your monkey mind will aimlessly jump between thoughts and challenges if you let it. Choose a life of meaning over pleasure and quality over quantity.

2. Find your true self

You're not what others think you are. So don't spend your life living someone else's dream. Detach from the opinions of others. It will put your relationships at risk. But it's the only way to live a life authentic to you.

3. Create space for reflection

Sit down and reflect on your emotions and decisions at the end of each day.

Through reflection you listen to your inner voice, find who you really are, and discard the expectations of others.

4. Live by your values

The more you define yourself by the values of others, the more lost you are. To live a life true to you, find values that align with you and live by them. Don't let your news feed, the media, or others dictate what you value.

5. Audit your life

What you do with your spare time says a lot about what you value. If you say you value family but spend all day at the offer, you're not living by your values.

Audit your time and correct course if your actions and values don't align.

6. Your environment influences your values

If your community is happy, then you'll likely be happier. Join communities that look like the future you want. Do the people within your community share your values?

7. Don't be a savior

You're not responsible for everyone else's problems. If you can't swim, don't try to save someone who's drowning. Help people you know you can help.

8. Take joy in the success of others

If you only find joy in your own successes, you limit the joy you experience. Learn to find joy in the success and achievements of others.

9. Focus on the practice

Don't allow yourself to get lost in results. Let success become a natural part of your life instead of a progress report.

10. Reflect on death

Imagine how you'd like to be remembered at your own funeral. What impact will you have on the world?Align y

our actions to build your legacy.


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